MSC Patran
Graduate Student with a proficient skills in fatigue and fracture analysis of welded structures. Have a wide range of knowledge in finite element and numerical fracture mechanics analyses. Experienced with numerical and experimental welding analysis, high frequency mechanical impact treatment analysis. Have proactive, persistent, responsible, precise, and affable personality.
Finite element analysis
MSC Patran
MSC Marc
MSC Dytran
TSV crack
Publications with full or peer review process
[1] K. Phyo Myat, N. Osawa, R. Gadallah, and S. Tanaka, “Accurate and efficient method for analyzing mixed-mode SIFs for inclined surface cracks in semi-infinite bodies by using numerical influence function method,” Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech., vol. 106, p. 102471, Apr. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2019.102471.
[2] K. Phyo Myat, N. Osawa, R. Gadallah, and S. Tanaka, “Comparative Study on Stress Intensity Factors for Surface Cracks in Welded Joint and Flat Plate by Using the Influence Function Method,” Proceedings of the ASME 2020 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 2A: Structures, Safety, and Reliability. Virtual, Online. August 3–7, 2020. V02AT02A041. ASME.
[3] K. Phyo Myat, N. Osawa, S. Tanaka, and R. Gadallah, “Numerical study on the effect of residual stresses on stress intensity factor and fatigue life for a surface-cracked T-butt welded joint using numerical influence function method,” Weld. World, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 2169–2184, 2021, doi: 10.1007/s40194-021-01172-6.
Conference proceedings
[4] H. Kashima, R. Gadallah,K. Phyo Myat, S. Tanaka, and N. Osawa, “Development of a Mixed-Mode Influence Factor Database Construction System for Surface Cracks in Welded Joints,” in Japan society of naval architects and ocean engineers, 2018, pp. 227–232.
[5] K. Phyo Myat, N. Osawa, R. Gadallah, and S. Tanaka, “Application of Influence Factor Method on Evaluating Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors for an Inclined Crack Embedded in an Infinite Body,” in Conference proceedings, the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers, 2018, pp. 415–418.
[6] K. Phyo Myat, N. Osawa, R. Gadallah, and S. Tanaka, “Effect of Geometric Configurations on Stress Intensity Factors of Flat Plate and T-butt Welded Joints,” 2020.
[7] K. Phyo Myat, N. Osawa, R. Gadallah, and S. Tanaka, “Numerical Study on Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors for a Surface Crack in HFMI-Treated Welded Joint,” Japan Soc. Nav. Archit. Ocean Eng., no. 2, pp. 403–409, 2021.
Proceedings at the assembly and meetings
[8] H. Kashima, R. Gadallah, P. M. Kyaw, S. Member, S. Tanaka, and N. Osawa, “Development of a Mixed-Mode Influence Factor Database Construction System for Surface Cracks in Welded Joints,”, Japan Welding Society, 257th FS Committee Meeting, April 10th, 2018.
[9] K. Phyo Myat, N. Osawa, S. Tanaka, and R. Gadallah, “Study on the effect of residual stresses on stress intensity factor and fatigue life for a surface-cracked T-butt welded joint using numerical influence function method,” Japan Welding Society, 266th FS Committee Meeting, August 21st, 2020.
[10] K. Phyo Myat, N. Osawa, S. Tanaka, and R. Gadallah, “Study on the effect of residual stresses on stress intensity factor and fatigue life for a surface-cracked T-butt welded joint using numerical influence function method,” 73rd IIW Annual Assembly & International Conference, International Institute of Welding, July 24th, 2020.
[11] K. Phyo Myat, N. Osawa, R. Gadallah, and S. Tanaka, “Comparative study on mixed-mode stress intensity factors of as-welded joint and HFMI-treated welded joint,” 74th IIW Annual Assembly & International Conference, International Institute of Welding, July 14th, 2021.
Articles under submission
[12] K. Phyo Myat, N. Osawa, S. Tanaka, and R. Gadallah, "Numerical weld magnification factor for a semi-circular surface crack in T-butt welded joints using influence function method,", Proceedings of the ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, 2022.
[13] Z.L. Htut, N. Osawa, S. Tanaka, K. Phyo Myat, “Equivalent distributed stress analysis of a semi-circular surface crack,” Proceedings of the 32nd International Ocean and Polar Engineering, 2022.
[14] P. Dai, K. Phyo Myat, et al., “Proposal on a practical numerical simulation technique of HFMI treatment for welded joints,” Proceedings of the 32nd International Ocean and Polar Engineering, 2022.