Work History
Additional Information


Full Professor


Keiko Ikeda is a Professor in the Division of International Affairs, and KU-COIL Coordinator at Kansai University. Keiko is Vice-Director for the newly established organization at Kansai University, Institute for Innovative Global Education (IIGE). She has a Ph.D. from the University of Hawai'i at Manoa, specializing in Japanese linguistics, foreign language education, and conversation analysis. Her interests in the international education field are internationalization at home, constructing active learning programs collaborating with universities overseas. FY2018-2022, Keiko was in charge of the COILPlus program to cultivate a global career mindset, a project to strengthen universities' global development capabilities. From FY2022 to FY2023, he participated in the creation of "J-MIRAI: Initiative to Promote Study Abroad by Young People Who Create the Future" as a member of the Second Council for Creating the Future of Education, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. Starting FY2023, he will be in charge of implementing a new MEXT grant project, "JIGE (Japan hub for Global Innovative Education) - Developing 'Society 5.0 Human Resources' through Blended Mobility and Creating the Infrastructure to Support Them.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Vice-Director for IIGE, Full Professor

Kansai University
Suita, Osaka
04.2009 - Current
  • Introduced innovative solutions to streamline operations, leading to enhanced productivity and efficiency.
  • Championed the implementation of cutting-edge technologies and systems to help the organization remain competitive in a rapidly evolving market landscape.
  • Guided cross-functional teams through project management best practices to ensure timely completion of critical projects.
  • Implemented strategic plans for business growth, resulting in increased revenue and market share.
  • Delivered comprehensive training programs to develop staff capabilities, improving overall performance and job satisfaction levels.
  • Identified research opportunities for students, assisting with gathering data and drawing conclusions for projects.
  • Assessed students' progress and provided feedback to enhance learning.
  • Applied innovative teaching methods to encourage student learning objectives.

Outside Executive Director

Osaka SME Business Investment & Consulting
04.2020 - Current


Ph.D. - Linguistics And Communication

University of Hawaii At Manoa
Honolulu, HI United States
08.2000 - 05.2006

Master of Arts - Advanced Certificate in Second Language Studies

University of Hawaii At Manoa
06.2002 - 05.2006



Additional Information

Professional Position

2014- Present Professor Kansai University, Division of International Affairs

2019- Present Vice-Director, Institute for Innovative Global Education 2013-2018 Vice-Director Center for International Education, Kansai University

2009-2014 Associate Professor Kansai University, Division of International Affairs

2007-2009 Associate Professor Nagoya University, Graduate School of Languages and Cultures

2006-2007 Assistant Professor Nagoya University, Graduate School of Languages and Cultures 2005-2006 Lecturer Toronto University, East Asian Studies

Recent Publications (Selective) :

Ikeda, K. (In Press) . A chapter in Editors: Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, Laura Eigbrecht.

Creating the University of the Future :A Global View on Future Skills and Future Higher Education. Springer Nature.

"Aiming to Build Future Skills for Society 5.0: Educational DX (Digital Transformation) of University Education in Japan."

Journal articles

Ikeda, K. (2022). Emergence of COIL as Online International Education Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Language Education and Applied Linguistics, 1-5


Yonezawa, A., Ota, H., Ikeda, K., Yonezawa, Y. (2023). Transformation of International University Education Through Digitalisation During/After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges in Online International Learning in Japanese Universities. In: Pinheiro, R., Balbachevsky, E., Pillay, P., Yonezawa, A. (eds) The Impact of Covid-19 on the Institutional Fabric of Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

池田 佳子, 前田 裕, 藤田 髙夫, 山本 英一, 本村 康哲, ベネット アレキサンダー, バイサウス ドン, 岩﨑 千晶, 古川 智樹 , プールオミッド サッジャド. (2023). ポスト・コロナ禍時代のグローバル人材育成―大学の国際教育のパラダイムシフト. 関西大学出版部.

Ikeda, K. & Chikamatsu, N. (2023). Transcending Borders and Limitations with Digitally Enhanced Pedagogy. In: Chikamatsu, N., & Jin, L. (Eds.). (2023). A Transdisciplinary Approach to Chinese and Japanese Language Teaching: Collaborative Pedagogy Across Languages, Disciplines, Communities, and Borders. Taylor & Francis.

Book chapter

Thomas Buntru, Brenda García Portillo, Verónica Rodríguez Luna, Ana Cristina Biondo Salomão, Osvaldo Succi Jr., José Celso Freire Jr., Simone Hackett, Eva Haug, Keiko Ikeda, Veronica M. Onorevole, Lavern Samuels, Vinay Rajah, and Lize-Mari Mitchell. (2022). Coil Country Focus. In: Doscher, S., Prior, C., & de Wit, H. (2022). The Guide to COIL Virtual Exchange: Implementing, Growing, and Sustaining Collaborative Online International Learning. Stylus Publishing, LLC.

池田佳子, バイサウス・ドン. (2021). 相互行為研究の教育場面への応用可能性: 留学生のためのキャリア教育実践の場合. 関西大学高等教育研究, 12, 165-171.

Fujii, Michele, Ikeda Keiko. (2021). Case Study: Virtual Exchange/ COIL Beyond the Classroom: Impact on Kansai University’s U.S. Partnerships. U.S.-Japan Higher Education Engagement Study: A Status Report, American Council on Education, 43-46.

Journal articles and reports

. (2019). 外国人留学生のキャリア支援・就職支援のための日本語教育-座学も実践も取り込む 「総合的教育プログラム設計. 『留学交流』, 101, 1-11.

バイサウス・ドン, 池田佳子. (2020). 国際教育実践の学習効果測定の手法の一考察―COIL PlusプログラムにおけるBEVIの活用―. 『関西大学高等教育研究』, 11, 131-136.


Outside Executive Director

Osaka SME Business Investment & Consulting
04.2020 - Current

Vice-Director for IIGE, Full Professor

Kansai University
04.2009 - Current

Master of Arts - Advanced Certificate in Second Language Studies

University of Hawaii At Manoa
06.2002 - 05.2006

Ph.D. - Linguistics And Communication

University of Hawaii At Manoa
08.2000 - 05.2006
KEIKO IKEDAFull Professor